POG's Journal


As easy as one two three.

My Day:

Went out on the bike this morning… the route was what I planned but, it was too much for my level of fitness and I struggled towards the end of the ride… The climbing elements early on were better than I imagined they would be. I got a puncture near Southwick village which did not help… I was extremely pleased to be home…

I plan to just loaf around this afternoon.

The blip:

A good friend of mine who was a very good bike rider married into a cycling family and his brother-in-law rode the Tour de France 8 times and he told me this tip when going up hills…
As you pedal with each down stroke your count… 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc., etc. As you can see from the photo the three alternates sides (Legs). On every count of three you just push a little bit harder on that leg…
It works quite well as you get in a rhythm and because your counting you tend to stop thinking will this hill ever end.
More tomorrow.

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