
By KarenClicks

Too tired to sleep

Mom had MOH’s surgery today to remove a nasal cell carcinoma from her nose. We left home before 7am, and I hadn’t slept well. The procedure went well, but it was after 2 pm before we left the doctor’s surgery. We were both wiped out and got into bed when we got home. Mom had a decent nap. I was too tired to sleep.

I was (am) also silly tired. Monkii got me giggling uncontrollably- not from doing anything silly. It was just her eyes. And me being over-tired. Silly tired.

I am glad that she is being extra cuddly since we got back from the cruise.

This evening I again Lost control in a fit of silly laughter. My parents were talking about Mim’s maid-of-honor, who happen to be named Lola. My over-tired mind went to the sing, “Copa Cabana” and I came up with my own silly lyrics that set me off in uncontrollable laughter. (“Her name was Lola, she was a bridesmaid, over 59 years ago when my parents tied the knot ...”)

I’m off to bed, hopefully to actually sleep!!!

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