Here's looking at you kid

This afternoon Mom and I met Danny, Dad and the kids at a lovely little picnic spot in the middle of the island. Our car doesn't fit all 6 of us, so if we want todo something out of Ibiza Town, we have to bus it. 
We had a lovely relaxed lunch, and a little wander up to the San Rafael church. This blip was probably Nate's highlight of the day, meeting this cat. Home and then Caña Club...and then up to Sa Penya for me and Asha...the chalks went down well again - must invest in more! See the extra for what the kids were designing!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Getting out of town!
2) The kids loving the chalks.
3) Asha enjoying herself in Sa Penya (though she did have one cry) with the kids.

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