
By fotoday

all's well that ends well

Yes all is well with the peregrines. They fledged over the weekend whilst I was away and both had a disastrous maiden flight. Each of them landed on the ground and neither had the strength yet to take off again. Peregrines generally dive into their flight which of course isn't possible if you are on the ground.
Fortunately a couple of my photo' pals were there and they are also good at handling birds of prey. Netting the juveniles on successive days, putting them safely in a box and then going through a difficult process to gain access to the derelict mill to get the birds up on the roof. Operation save the peregrines did however end well and today both juveniles were still on the roof, keeping each other company again and being looked over by their parents. Whilst I watched they ran along the parapet chasing pigeons, so they are having fun.
Apparently the 2nd juvenile to fledge was quite aggressive and those huge talons are dangerous even at this young age.
Let's hope they are a little stronger when they try their next flight.

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