I Heard A Peanut!

This crow sits across the water and waits for me to throw out a handful of peanuts.  He's pretty quick getting here but sometimes he defers to the geese which I find kind of strange.  Just to even things out, I have
 another spot where I throw out peanuts with no goose competition. 

I spent a significant part of the day hooked up to, and in, various machines for a nuclear myocardial profusion test which thankfully confirmed that I have a heart and it's beating appropriately.  The next day of testing in the quest to track down my mysterious problem is in the allergy department on Thursday.  

On the fun side, I just happened to look out the window this evening in time to catch an eagle grabbing a large fish and flying up into a tree with it.  It was almost dark, but I tried for a picture anyway and put it in Extra.  If I had been just a few seconds earlier I could have caught him catching the fish.  There have been several people fishing here lately and none of them ever seem to catch anything.   

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