Dale Dug A Hole

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

Princess, have you seen the classic Aussie comedy, The Castle? I know Mad Dog & Auslaender have because I'm pretty sure I forced it on them.

If you have, then you will know why today's blip-title is HILARIOUS

So last night, there I was, chatting away to the Princess who was lifting my spirits as always with her chat about her girls and her new-found enthusiasm for cycling and for lady parts ointment

Suddenly, a knock at the door...

It was a man from North Power telling us that the power-cut we experienced yesterday was due to a faulty cable RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR FLAT. No wonder the BZZZZ-ZZZZZTbeeeeeeeeooooooop was so loud. He told me that they'd be back tomorrow morning at 8am sharp to repair it.

As a consequence, poor Caro has had to put up with tradies digging up the road directly outside all day. AND Charlie the handyman turned up to give us a working lock! AND re-plaster the wall and doorframe! AND both the tradies and Charlie will be back tomorrow to finish up!

So apparently, she had quite a stressful day of keeping cats calm, doing her own job and talking to tradies to find out what was going on. As I type this, she is giving Miranda the big update.

I, however, had a relatively cruisey time of it at work. I farted about with spreadsheets and reviewed the code of our third party. Lemon turned up, fresh from her tournament, covered in bruises. Apparently she took a beating, but really enjoyed herself anyway.

"I didn't win, but it was a huge relief because I didn't want to have to do another bout with someone else," she told me. "My poor opponent. She was exhausted too. I could hear her muttering, 'Noooooo' under her breath."

She told me she's off to see John Wick 3 at the pictures to see if she can pick up any karate tips next.

So that was today. Soon Miranda will be off the phone and we can be back to enjoying the quiet. How's the serenity, darl?


p.s. See the side window, next to the big fern? That was how I was getting in and out of the flat at the weekend. It wasn't pretty.

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