Joyless Hotels and a Fluttering Kite

Joyless hotels march north along a silver strand, each a variation on a corporate theme.  Mile after mile of beach, where chairs and umbrellas are rented out under license from the local authorities.  Public access mostly prevented by the fenced enclaves of the wealthy.  No alcohol on the beach of course, no bottles, no glass, no BBQs.  No nudity, shouting, music, or "public indecency".  No pets.  Strictly no pets.  Enjoyment is mandatory, even if the activities that might give it are prohibited.

A fluttering kite brings colour and movement, and risks causing actual happiness.  No city ordinance bans its presence, but one can't help wonder if this omission is being rectified even as the wind flicks the coloured streamers of its tail back and forth.

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