Isle and Rock

We did a fairly long shift at the allotment, then went out to East Lothian to potter about a bit, ending up at Sands' new house for afternoon tea! It was lovely to see her again, and the house is great, including its location. This view is across the field at the end of her garden. Just out of shot to the right was a cruise ship at anchor - turns out to have been the Sea Spirit, courtesy of atseacliff's blip.

We were gazing beyond the Bass Rock at the Isle of May, happy in the knowledge that we would be going out there tomorrow on the boat from Anstruther for Dave's birthday visit to the puffins. When we got home I found an email from the boat people saying they'd had to cancel tomorrow's sailing due to adverse weather (strong westerlies)....

The result was deep disappointment in the DaveH/meles household.

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