The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

No Collateral Damage

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

So, The Prince and I pitched up on our highly unflattering Lycra to do the Tour De Forth Noveau (44 km). This route is the lazy b*stard version. The hardcore do the ‘classic*’ route which is 97 km. Sod that.

So, you will be pleased to hear that despite my padded cycling leggings making me feel like I had pood myself, they (and the hoo ha cream) did the job. It was a great relief not feel like my undercarriage had started a fight with some sandpaper. And lost.

I actually enjoyed it. Despite a couple of huge hills. Which I got through by singing ‘it’s a big b*ggering b*stard hill’ over and over in my head. Pretty sure that’s what sports psychologists advise.

The Youngest Mini Princess and I went to the water of Leith this afternoon. I walked with Murphy while YMP ran. She was very very excited about doing her fastest run ever. She was in such good spirits that she made dinner. I hope she runs fast next week!


*sadly not a route where they just hand out Fox’s classic biscuits which sounds much more appealing.

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