Busy, Busy

I spent the better part of the day, driving back and forth from a store to home.  My daughter applied for a position and it was a country-wide hiring day so it took 2 hrs of standing in line to simply hand in her resume.  Three interviews later (and 6 hrs), she was told she has the position as long as her reference checks out.  I sure hope she gets it...more hours than the last place and benefits!  Positive thoughts....

I went out for a long walk after and saw this mum and pop Tree Swallows tending to their young.  I love how the male and female sometimes sit together and seem to argue...it makes me smile, wondering what they could possibly be saying to each other.

I am turning off comments as I simply cannot keep up with comments at this point.  Hopefully in a few days, everything will be manageable again.

How silly...just realized that I cannot reply to comments if I do that.  Sooooo I will try very hard to get caught up...

Have a fabulous Sunday  : )

D x

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