Blown by the wind
The trouble with not procrastinating, is that it can veer into not planning: reacting rather than acting. So you do everything as soon as it comes up, rather than putting it to one side while you finish what you're busy with. Such was my day.
This evening I finally got my act together and decided on a marathon baking session. I had promised some baking for a baking sale at school tomorrow, and it kind of snowballed from there: tally is gingerbread (2), shortbread (two boxes), chocolate flapjacks (1 tray), chocolate chip cookies (2 boxes), cupcakes (12) and my famous (?!) probably-the-best-chocolate-brownies-in-the-world (1 pan). Setting aside modesty, the brownies are awesome. Dark chocolate sticky, gooey brownies with big white chocolate chunks nestling inside. No nuts allowed for the rest of my family, so they are unremittingly bad for the body, but good - oh so very very good - for the soul.
Now to decide what to take to the bake sale and what to keep for MEEEEE.
The photo, by the way, is some trees by my local Tescos.
For a slightly surreal photo look here. I was copying some files from CD-Rom onto the external hard drive, and by my reckoning it was going to finish at the end of June 2140 (about 6am).
Unusually, I already have my blip for tomorrow all planned. Quite a relaxing feeling really.
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