Polish Style Christmas Eve

And I collapsed! But before that I took the picture.
We had lovely time tonight and not that serious and adult as it looks. All kids were sat a coffee table with some fun decorations. As usual I was too preoccupied with cooking, serving, eating, drinking and I forgot to take any decent pictures.

So my traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner worked out. I managed to find some barszcz (beetroot soup) in a Polish shop, mushroom stuffed pancakes to go with it, Greek fish (a very Polish dish with a weird name), cabbage with mushrooms and shop-made pierogi (dumplings) with ricotta and potato stuffing, boiled and then fried.
The desert was not very Polish, but traditional for me: flourless orange and almond cake with ice-cream.
We also had Zywiec beer, Zubrowka and Wyborowa vodkas and some fine wines. Very disappointingly nobody got drunk and lots of alcohol was left.

We skipped Polish tradition of opening presents after dinner and decided to wait till Christmas morning, dragging out the pleasure of anticipation for a little bit longer.

Next year I might book a holiday on an all inclusive cruise to Pacific Islands and won't lift a finger for a fortnight.

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