
By Paladian

Full Frontal

'Tis the day after Christmas,
I'm the size of a house...

No, no, forget I said that.

It's been good today - spent half an hour in the gym this morning (we have our own in the basement - a legacy of many years in the fitness industry), came back upstairs, had a strong cup of coffee and some left overs, completely undoing the good of the workout. Hey Ho.

Went to the Park - taking 2 cameras - neither would work - two dead batteries - swore. Went home again, got two good batteries, went back to the Park, wandered around the lake, and I took some images of Ibis with the old 60D. Rower got some good stuff of the Lake with the 6D. Saw a really nice dragon, went to get out 100 lens - left it at home. Swore a lot.

Went home, looked at ibis images - absolute sh**, I kid you not. Sorry, but have to sell 60D body. Now I have the 6D there is absolutely no comparison.

Changed lens to 100 mm. Tottered around the garden - sod all. No, that's wrong, I saw a stunning female Monarch trying to settle on the fennel flowers - imagine how gorgeous that would have looked. Bloody bees swarmed it, and drove it off. Swore again - quite loudly.

Finally, by standing still and not swearing loudly or otherwise, I finally saw this common brown butterfly land on a leaf less than a metre away. Gradually, gradually got closer and closer and got a shot I've been wanting for a while. A full frontal.

Fatter face.

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