
By Leiflife

In The Dog Yard With Mama

We play in the dog yard every day. Mama throws pine cones, or my favorite ball for me to fetch. I love to fetch. Usually Mama stands or sits on the steps, but sometimes  she gets right down on the ground with me like in this photograph. This time she was squatting to take some pictures, but rolled right onto her bottom. Thank goodness she was smart enough to stay where she was for a while. 

From down here you can't help seeing the earth as it really is. Even our small portion of the earth looks as round as the whole earth is. I know that my human mama loves the roundness of things, but sometimes she gets so busy that she forgets. She loves it when I remind her, and she loves me, too.

Extra of me looking up from my place on the earth... What do I see?

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