STANLEY KUBRICK in Design Museum
First at all I came through Naional History Museum to take one picture (okay it took me another 15 shots to have this one from extras). New whale' s skeleton inside. Oh nice.
Then I was walking to Design Museum in Kensington to see the Stanley Kubrick' s exhibition.
Oh gosh it was so good. Imagine I spent four hours inside to see all the memorabilias, posters, pictures, lenses, watching fragments from his movies, seeing many short videos about preparation, looking at all those fantastic designs etc. He was a such genius in terms of details, preparations, finding the locations, casting the designers, actors.
Must say big thank to Design Museum/ Taschen and the others who worked to prepare this exhibition. And one fact was the biggest surprise to me. It was not so overcrowded on Sunday early afternoon so I really enjoyed my walk through the iconic movies such as Spartacus, Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, Shining, Barry Lyndon, Full Metal Jacket (iconic picture of Don McCuillin included) , 2001:Space Oddysey. It' s a pity that he didn' t finish his project about Napoleon Bonaparte.
If you like his movies go for that. It' s one of the best exhibitions in the city right now.
Really nice 32 hours in London for me.
The end was a bit busy on Kings Cross due to AFC Sunderland travelling fans (I' m really sorry guys for your loss at League One play-off final, congratulations to Charlton Athletic for promotion). Must note, no one was aggressive, no one was a drunk, just sad. The football culture should have the face like that. No aggression, no violence.
Trains running smoothly so I changed my LNER service to NCL for CROSS COUNTRY service to Edinburgh in York (10 mins for change). First train was a bit overcrowded due to Sunderland fans, second was nearly empty. Good for me. And the price was reasonable 50£ like my BA flight day before. Thank you Scotrail for booking my journey like that ;-)
Non-smoking : 34 days
Non-caffeine : 21 days
Monthly alcohol personal records : 12 pints | 10 units single malt | 3 units of Czech spirit slivovice
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