The Finger

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellow,

Lemon is an effusive sort of woman, by which I mean; bonkers. When she is especially excited she will wave her finger at me, sometimes this is accompanied by finger clicks if she is especially excited or wants to destroy half the life in the universe.

"It's my mum's fault," she told me. Apparently she is a "fingerer" too.

So anyway, I decided what's good for the goose etc, and waved my finger at her to make a point today.

"Don't you give ME the finger," she retorted. Before realising what she had said. Or maybe not. It's hard to say.

I wondered aloud if there were a way to "take back" the finger. Lemon mimed someone blowing smoke from their finger and putting it back in a holster.

I spent the rest of the day teaching Charlotte the words, "bahookie" and "bawbag". I want her to learn to swear in a way that will be acceptable in front of Kiwis so we can just go for it in meetings and no-one can complain.

So that was work. Childish and stupid, and yet we still get paid. Bizarre.

When I got home, Caro had put on Amazon's "Recommended" playlist. "It's based on preferences calculated from your custom playlists," she said accusingly. This was about the time "Ballroom Blitz" came on, so I had to congratulate Amazon for its perceptive powers. 

It was followed by "I Want You To Want Me" and "Carry On My Wayward Son". This was getting eerie.

But never mind. Caro seemed to enjoy her "Husband's Bizarro Musical Taste" playlist. Is it possible that over the past 20 years, I have "turned" her? 


p.s. I love the opening of "Ballroom Blitz". It still makes me laugh as possibly the cheesiest start of a song ever.

Are you ready Steve?
Alright fellas, let's gooooooo!

Ha ha ha ha ha. I love that so much.

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