But My Baby Just Loves to Dance

He doesn't really he hates it. 

But he did take one look at me tonight - I brought the label printer home from work, something had got stuck inside it and it was only printing half a label.... I figured that I needed to do something. 

I figured if I left it in the office, someone would go, "nah it's not worth it" and throw it, but we are lucky if we have printed 50 labels off it. 

So I thought I would l try. 

My method was poke - and pull.   I thought there was a printer cartridge in there.   Turns out it is a "heat " thing. 

He unscrewed everything, unhooked everything, poked and prodded and then finally put it all back together again - MISSING THE FOOTBALL and said, "probably won't fire up now.  

But it did!!!  It Did!! 

It fired up and it printed the labels.  

He is my star! 

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