Josie and the iphone

Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for family life

A day in Moniaive with Tessa and Josie.

Josie borrowed Will's phone to check up on her stocks & shares.  She decided to buy some new ones and get rid of ones that were not performing well - so she was on the phone for a while.  (I'm convinced that, at not quite a year old, she knew how to swipe the screen sideways . . . )

Tessa meanwhile was preparing for a very sophisticated tea party.  I just loved the way that table was so beautifully organised and symmetrical.  A girl after my own heart.  Oh - and, by the way, it was only girls that were invited to this party.

Little stories unfolding - and all just a day in the life of the family . . . . . .

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