.....On Christmas Day.......

Up at 6.00....I can't help it...I'm like a big kid at Christmas.
Bit of a flap....no hot water.....I think we may have had a power cut during the night...but we got it sorted.

The ancients appeared around 10.00...the designated breakfast hour.....I cooked. Old people don't eat much.....right....wrong! They eat bloody loads if someone else is providing it for them. They polished off orange juice, cereal, two sausages, two bacon, scrambled egg, mushrooms and six slices of toast and honey/marmalade.

Presents opened.....one of the oldies gave me and the Boss a card with £40 inside....she gave the Daughter a card with nowt inside!....so being a good Dad I gave the daughter my £20...my big present is still in the garage...not wrapped and not brought in for me....I didn't make a fuss...good job I know what it is. The ancients fell asleep almost as soon as the last present was opened.

We had fun watching the drama over the road...one of the grandchildren had obviously managed to get himself stuck in a bedroom...he had to be rescued by ladder up to the window....he must have done a good job because the adults who climbed up couldn't get the door open either! The last we saw the door was being unscrewed from its hinges.

We set up the conservatory for Christmas dinner....as you can see from the picture...that was 11 grand well spent...well we haven't been able to use it for anything else yet. Then the drinks came out.....the father -in-law, when he arrived claimed that he hardly drank any more, only the odd half of beer....could have fooled me...there's almost half a bottle of scotch gone....and I don't think it evaporated.

We sat down to eat at four because the wrinklies insisted on watching the Queen's Speech and Scrooged.

Old people don't eat much...right ....wrong. Big ....and I mean big....prawn cocktails to start. They both asked for turkey legs...and then neither of them took one...but they managed the lion's share of the breast, plus spuds, roasties, sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, brocolli, parsnips, yorkshire puddings (two each), stuffing and gravy.....and then they had seconds of turkey! The pudding arrived...the Boss made the mistake of offering a selection of sauces etc..one of them went for ice cream...the other for brandy sauce...backed up with custard. The Daughter isn't a fan of pud so she had chocolate log....guess what....they opted for seconds of chocolate log...with fresh double cream!

Meal over, they retired to the sofas...and fell asleep!

The Daughter came to tell us that two of her friends had got engaged today...so she was going out....and could she "borrow" a crate of Grolsch?!

The Boss has just watched two bloody hours of Midwives....and the three of them are now watching two bloody hours of Downton....why do I pay the license fee and Sky for crap like that on a Christmas night...where's the block buster movie?....or maybe there is one and they just lied to me.

I think I may need a JD....or six!

Merry Christmas to all on blip!

Das vadanya moy padruga.

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