Back To The Beach
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
The Eldest Mini Princess is still off on exam leave this week so we took Murphy down to Yellowcraig beach and walked to North Berwick. Despite it being almost summer, it was a lot bloody colder than the day we went LTJ!
When we got to North Berwick, it was 2 pm so we went to a cafe for lunch. EMP is even worse than me for needing to eat regularly. She normally has to eat 6 times a day* to avoid going postal. It was quite risky eating lunch that late. EMP had only had breakfast and two snacks since getting up 4 hours earlier!
Murphy was ‘quite excited’ about being somewhere new and as he had managed to tip most of the water out of the cafe’s dog bowl within the first minute of us being there, we decided to sit outside in the empty garden. Our choice of seating was fortuitous: mainly for the other patrons as Murphy decided 15 mins in that he was bored and the best way to let us know was by barking. Loudly.
Having narrowly avoided indigestion by speed eating, we headed back just as the sun came out and it turned into a beautiful spring day.
It was so nice having this extra time with EMP before she goes back to school next week. A little pocket of loveliness.
*not an exaggeration
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