I was woken up this morning with a cup of tea in bed, delivered by No.1 son under the orders of No.2 son who was eager to get the Christmas show on the road. That's a very rare treat for me, the only downside being that it was 7.20 am and pitch black outside. The boys quite rightly reminded me that this was the time I usually got up, even on a weekend, but somehow it just seemed so much earlier. That did, however, put a stop to my complaints.
Anyway, wonderful gifts were chosen all around, with great thought and care being taken. I don't think there was a crap present amongst the lot, certainly nothing that warrants being recycled to grandma next year! It was all very lovely but as soon as the last one was unwrapped I had to escape. I gave the gift to myself of a run on the moor. As I was preparing and cooking the Christmas dinner I was able to do this fairly guilt free and also without any need to rush back. It was quite a cunning plan really.
I enjoyed a very steady run on a very wet moor, bumping into quite a few mates along the way. That set me up for dinner, which turned out pretty well and was very well received too. It was great for once to be able to take a bit of time and cook properly. I really need to do that more often. It's then been an afternoon of chilling with a few beers, some television and a film. I've been given special dispensation to post my blip and then I think it's out with the dreaded board games! I'm secretly hoping I'll return downstairs to find everyone asleep. Roam was already passed out when I left. No stamina these youngsters!
Thanks to everyone who has dropped by to wish me a merry Christmas. I'm not allowed to spend any time here today so let me offer a collective festive greeting in return, and also for those people, good friends and family, who follow me either regularly or irregularly. I've been extremely bad at keeping in touch lately. I hope you are well and enjoying yourselves. I raise a glass to you all. Cheers.
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