Started catching up with things neglected over the past couple of weeks while I've been decorating. A couple of loads of washing, cleaning and tidying etc etc - exciting stuff! Then a fun Tai Chi session this afternoon.
MrM is about to start laying the floorboards in the living room, with me as gofer. It will probably be evening work but, hopefully, it will be done in a couple of weeks. So we've been thinking about putting the room back together, as it were. Finally ordered a dresser, and started thinking about a new sound system, as the ancient old hi-fi will stay in the 'music room'. Had an interesting chat with Tom last week, who attempted to bring me up to date with all the new-fangled high-tech possibilities. MrM's not keen on the idea, but I may even invest in one of those little devices I could talk to...
Winter jackets required for a short walk on the Common in the evening! Some beautiful alliums in the stell.
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