Belted Galloways

I pass a field of cows when taking a certain route home.

Today there were quite a few in the herd with calves and these two stood out from the rest.

I am indebted to The Belted Galloway Cattle Society website for the following
Breed Characteristics

All cattle should be of good Galloway type – correct gait, level back, not too small

Specific characteristics of white belt critical to maintaining breed standard

Must have complete belt all the way round the middle

Belt should preferably extend no further forward than the shoulder and no further back then the hind leg.

No black spots on belt

No white hairs on any other part of body. Females with white on a foot may be admitted to the appendix registration providing the white hair does not go higher up the foot than the dew claws.

This Baby Belted seems to fit the bill

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