All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Happy Christmas!

Well it was a 5am wake up call from Ethan today. I think he got a bit confused because he cried "I don't want Santa to come to see me"! Finally got him back to sleep till 8am by which point Eden had been up for 2 hours. She had waited for us to get up too and then both kids opened their stockings.

We then all went to the Christmas Day service at our local church. I'm not particularly religious and haven't been for years, but I do want Ethan to realise that Christmas isn't just about Santa. I was surprised at how quiet it was but it was a fun, relaxed service. Fortunately the minister didn't mind when the kids ran around (although I was really embarassed when they tried to head up the stairs to the pulpit), he asked to see what they had all got for Christmas (although he hadn't heard of Iggle Piggle or Upsy Daisy) and he then threw chocolate lollipops into the congregation! Ethan will now want to go to church every day if he thinks it's always like that!

Back home and Eden had a sleep, although Ethan was too hyper and didn't nap all day. Eden enjoyed Christmas lunch whereas Ethan refused to eat much.

Then more present opening which went on for hours due to the ridiculous amount of presents the kids had been given. They are very lucky indeed!

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