Home Again, Home Again

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I was a bit annoyed today. This is because I was in a meeting with developers and I was all, "But surely..." and they were all, "No way!" and then I was all, "I could have sworn that..." and they were all, "No, you are definitely definitely wrong," and then I was all, "Bu-" and then they were all "Nope!"

Then I went back to my desk and spent an hour PROVING THE EFFERS WRONG. And then I sent an email saying, "HA!!!"

But the thing is, why should I have to do crap like that? This is the second time they have pulled this b*llocks. They could at least investigate before saying, "Can't be done, nope nope nope."

And after the meeting, Smock was all, "Didn't you KNOW that thing isn't possible??"

So I had to be sure to say HA to her as well. I am not very mature about these things.

This is why it was good to get home today.

In other news, Lemon has knackered her leg doing karate. She came hobbling in today to grab her laptop then wobbled off to work from home. I think she's actually relieved. She put herself in for a tournament but was dismayed to find she had to fight someone her own weight. 

"I'm used to pushing small children around," she explained. "BOOF! That's what 90 kg's feel like ya little bugger!" So I think she was annoyed at having to do karate on someone she couldn't just push over. However, now she has a great excuse to stand on the sidelines instead.

Now I think on it, maybe I should learn karate. I can think of some programmers who could do with a swift hoof to the swingers.


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