Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Life lessons

Today has been a bit of a dull day in more ways than one. Firstly, I had to work as it was not BH in Sweden, and secondly it has been raining on and off all day so I did not make it out for a walk. In fact I only just managed to take something back to M&S that did not fit before they closed at 6pm as I had actually forgotten it was bank holiday - no wonder the roads were so quiet! 

I did manage to see a few birds in the garden today -  the usual Jays snaffling the peanuts as usual, the great tits that are busy feeding their young in next door's birdbox, and these starlings that come down in a flock and devour the fat blocks. This youngster was being shown the ropes by it's parent but clearly wasn't happy and was giving as good as it got!  

Thanks so much for all the love on yesterday's baby woodpecker - it was lovely to see and photograph and you are all so kind. 

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