Common Vetch (?) WFW19_08
I had a mildly frustrating day as I completed fitting the motor drive to Gill's bike only to find there was a problem with the chainwheel, which we think is just too thick for the modern narrow chain. Shouldn't be too difficult to sort out, but I was hoping I could have the bike in a rideable state by the end of today.
So - a trip to Radway Meadows to test out the notion that being surrounded by nature is a calming thing - and it is. Suspect we knew that already :-)
We found a variety of wildflowers, so I'll get my wild flower week entry in early. Feel free to correct me if it is not a common vetch.
Looks better large on black
In the extra, a male common blue, resting*.
Thanks to everyone for visiting my jornal and the comments and awards left too - all much appreciated.
Thanks also to Miranda1008 for hosting WIldflower Week.
* in the style of the Norwegian Blue?
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