Sunshine (Day 1482)

Poor timing for the morning woofer wander meant I was caught in a fairly heavy shower and got a bit damp. Rabbits distracted the woofers and they ignored the heavy rain.
Back at home I booked the boat for another trip overseas on Wednesday, then got on with some paperwork whilst I waited for  my beautiful wife to return from work.
HV had a very brief stop at home before we zoomed off to the yard and got the horses saddled up. As we rode along HV made a suggestion about my position on the hoss which might help me to improve my cantering and I mustered the courage to give it a whirl. It worked really well and I really enjoyed cantering for the first time. Hurrah!
Back home to collect the dogs then a wander in blazing sunshine in a new place. I loved the view down the track and couldn't resist a shot or two.
Once back at home it was time for HV to zoom off to work again all too soon, and I made my way to Stromness to look at a job, then to town to order some parts. 
Later I dodged showers as I tried to tame the lawn.

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