Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Winter has arrived

Winter arrived with a vengeance today. This is what we can expect for the next three to four months now and it’s time to light the fire!! My main job each day a will be to keep the home fires burning to ensure that we are cosy and snug. There’s something very different about the heat from a wood burning fire and by the time we went to bed tonight I was happy that I had a fire that would last through the night. We had a large delivery of excellent iron bark arrive a few weeks ago and tonight it’s sitting cosy and warm under a nice big tarpaulin.

This image was taken with my iPhone on our way home from Blackheath early this afternoon. Yes, that’s snow in the distance and it didn’t take long before the snow flakes were falling at Wombat Hollow. Although they didn’t settle for long it was a very beautiful sight.

We had Photo Group again this morning and a highlight for me was a wonderful presentation of images by Penny, one of our members from her recent trip to the Middle East. We’re going to be putting the hard word on Beckett very soon to do something similar from his trip to Europe. Just hope they arrived back home safely today and weren’t worried by the very high winds we have experienced all day.

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