Drama on Sunday

Woke up to runners going past our gate, and on and on they came, over 200 of them. And then watched them running up the hill opposite as we ate our grapefruit and croissants. This lot were pretty near the end, guessing the guy coming in from the right had been for a wee. It was pretty hot, about 32°C in the shade, and the course was incredibly hard and long. And then one came running back down the hill. Then folk started banging the gate at the bottom, then an ambulance arrived, then went off...

Anyway, after church, returned a phone call, and it was old friends from when we lived in Mora, saying they were in Mourão, they'd run in the race. So we all had lunch together at Sr Zé's, excellent to see them again and show them where we're living. 

- way above anything else, Zion, our grandson, couldn't be more grateful for this gorgeous boy we've been given, love him to bits, my greatest grief not to live nearer... his 5th birthday today
- sharing a meal with Zezinha and Rui
- walking up to the chapel and it not being too painful... we're preparing for a big get-together up there on Saturday, lots to do!

Oh, and re my recent Blip about feeling guilty when I spend daytime reading, see this link about people who read a lot!

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