
By Beewriter

1940s Day

After six days on the trot it was difficult getting up early this morning. I went down to the Quays and was in the water by 8:30. It was fifteen degrees....positively tropical lol. It is two weeks to the Great North Swim and I’m hoping that the water temp in Windermere will be the same so I don’t have to wear a wetsuit.

I had a good swim and a chat with the girls down there...fellow skins, then I raced home and got my land girl outfit on. I curled my hair and tried to fashion a victory roll, then with bright red lips I went to pick Pat up and we went to Ramsbottom. We love a good dress up and we posed for many photos lol. It was all good fun. I have a photo of me posing with a group dressed up as the cast of Allo Allo and my face is a picture as the policeman was a bit cheeky with his truncheon!!! If it isn’t raining I might just go back again tomorrow.

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