aging hippy

By aginghippy

Amy's Textures

I had been listening to the Amy Whitehouse album "Frank" on vinyl earlier and this got me to thinking. ( very dangerous occupation for me, thinking ! )

Let's forget for a moment all the tabloid negativity, the insatiable paparazzi who collectively have less morals than Attila and the personal demons that seem to haunt her.

It's the voice. The textures that her voice creates are quite stunning. Slightly edgy and an inherent strength that borders on roughness but melodic and full of colors that emanate from hidden depths.

So my blip today was captured with this great singer uppermost in my thoughts.

It's all very personal and subjective of course, as all photography is, but in some respects I think this is my best blip yet.
I hope you all enjoy it, and, if it encourages you to listen to the album then I guess it's been worthwhile.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and look at the photograph.


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