
By Jaffadog

Little red riding hood

What a day!
It started with a check up at the VET. I had my ears prodded and my paws and skin ruffled (as I’ve been scratching a bit lately). I also had to get weighed and I was told that I need to lose weight. How rude!!
So now I have to have even less of my boring special diet.
I was taken for a lovely walk afterwards but when we got home there were more bad things. I had a flea tablet shoved down my throat. Not pleasant.
Then after my afternoon walk I was given a bath. How could my owners be so cruel? I might be a water dog but I’m not a bath dog. I did my best to try and climb out but they still managed to clean me. Then I got to wear my new towel, which is actually ok.
If all that wasn’t enough, I had to have some ear drops. I’m hoping that tomorrow doesn’t bring anymore nasty things.

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