the table my dad built

Christmas eve dinner at my mom's house . . . my sister and her husband plus my nephews Dale and Ian were there. They had traveled from Connecticut and arrived this afternoon. Our family friend Larry was invited to dinner as well. It was on the cool side so a fire was burning in the fireplace. The table was set for dinner and while everyone was chatting, I grabbed my camera and snuck off to take a photo.

My father, the same man who made this canoe - made this dining room table. The dark center portions are glass insets! Dad carved the centerpiece wooden birds as well - take a closer look of the hand carved birds and then a larger view of the table! Amazing, yes?

I think so. Steven and I talked about my dad on the way home . . . Steven says he really feels his spirit in my mom's house. That is where we spent a lot of time with him when we moved here from CT before colon/liver cancer overtook him. Fortunately I feel him watching over me, still. He was very talented, quite the craftsman, hard working, fiercely loyal, funny, fair, strong, loving, smart and a great businessman. I am glad he demonstrated all these fine qualities to me and the world, encouraged me in my art making and always loved me.

happy christmas eve to all those celebrating and warm wishes to all and to all a good night!

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