A sunny day again. And in the morning I was in the garden busy, did some reading and other nice little jobs. Typed an old text from myself and printed it.
The afternoon was a lazy one, with a nap on the balcony. Had contact with Mischa on the phone. Gave my little plants water.
The flower grows in the garden, it is a bulb plant but I can't find he name again. I thought it could be gloxinie, but probably not.
It is my entry for the Flower Friday Challenge, so marvelously hosted by Anni - BikerBear.
Tomorrow the 25th of May a new Silly Saturday Challenge.
The tag is #SilS138, or #SillySaturday138, and #SillySaturday will do too.
I am looking forward to see all the images, silly, funny or absurd.
- 91
- 2
- Nikon D5100
- 1/500
- f/5.6
- 85mm
- 100
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