Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Still Standing

Got to do something festive for Christmas Eve so we'd planned to go ice skating. Rowan got up feeling unwell....head cold and a sore throat so he wasn't in the mood to go ice skating but the other two had been looking forward to it. I went to the chemists to get Rowan some medicine and then he went to Grandma's where he spent most of the afternoon asleep.

Lewis and Jed had fun ice skating. I'm always up for it too and usually not too bad but today....I think somebody had put butter on my blades and I'm telling you that the ice rink seemed more slippery somehow. I fell twice!! Once on my bum which was fine, plenty of padding, and once on my knees. The biggest fear is that you won't be able to get up without slipping and falling over again...that you'll look a prat...but I got up in a fairly dignified manner and just glanced around to see that plenty of people were falling over too. The last time we'd gone, Jed was holding onto me the whole time and not really confident to go solo...this time, he was off and flying. Lewis was the same. They both did really well. They each fell a fair few times...Lewis hurt his wrist and then fell and hurt the other wrist. He is hoping he can still operate the games console he's getting for Christmas!! It was great fun...all the cheesy Christmas pop hits playing and a great atmosphere. Jed wants to go more often now.

We went to collect Rowan and he was much chirpier. My brother and his girlfriend were at my Mums....first time I'd seen my brother since the big dramatic fall out. Anyway, all was well and we just chatted like nothing had happened. Families, who'd have them?!

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