Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Wayside Pulpit

Spotted outside St John's Church at the West End today. I'm not sure I get the significance of all the figures, but Nero and Pinocchio I understand! (See extra for the context).

I thought of those posters that churches used to put up outside with a message to passers-by - 'Come in for a free faith lift' sort of thing. This one might be in with winning the competition for the best slogan (there really was such a thing back in  2007, £500 prize to the winning church).

Went to singing, and then to the audiologist to get my hearing aid tweaked. I was astonished to find that it is storing how long I wear it for, how loud I have it turned up, etc, and he could bring all this information up on the screen in front of him. Can it tell what I'm thinking??

Home via the Polling Station. For the first (and I hope the last) time I was reduced to standing in the booth going 'Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Mo.'  The tribulations of being a tactical voter ...

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