Dr Jones

By jones

A levels

Penny starts her A levels today. She wasn't nervous at all.
Her first exam is Geography and it was this afternoon. She went to school straight after breakfast and I then went to work. I had to return half way as I'd left some exam papers that I needed to take back to work. When I looked in on Bibi before leaving, she was sound asleep with Olwen at the end of the bed. 
Penny had an appointment with a neurologist at 4.15 pm and I'd told them that Penny had an exam until 3.45pm and she was unlikely to get there before 4.30pm. They had said it would be ok and that the consultant would probably wait for her. Ben went to pick her up from school at 3:45pm but she didn't get out until 4pm as they had started the exam late. It was nearly 5pm by the time she got to the hospital but they had all waited for her (I had called in advance to warn them that she was really late). They discussed the scan that she had had done and all was fine but her sine at the top is very straight because her muscles t the top of her shoulders are always tense. He suggested that she tries the medication again after she finishes her exams. 
When she got home, I had a chance to talk to her about the exam. She said it was ok and she ran out of time with the last question. 
Annette had sent me a message this morning to say that she was going to a conference in London. I called her and told her she could stay here for the night. She said that she would leave Manchester around 5pm and she got here at 10:30pm. We shared a bottle and then went to bed. 

A Levels:
Geography Paper 1

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