Red sky at night

Took this from one of the bedroom windows.  One thing I do love about 'the new house' (as the boys still call it) are the sunsets we have over the fields at the back.  

The eldest was fine this morning after his temperature last night.  He was super tired when I collected him this evening (and had just fallen over, so was very tearful when Mummy appeared).  The youngest has been a bit off-colour as well, he was very upset that the husband took him to the childminder this morning and I think he felt that I had deserted him.  He was absolutely fine when I collected him, if also shattered.  Suffice to say, they were both out like a light when I put them to bed - half an hour before normal.  

I stupidly told the eldest I would make him a new sun hat as his is too small for him... and so he wants it now... It's been added to the rather long list of things to do! 

Unexciting, but hectic day at work today.  Two days to go until half term and it feels like a mountain to climb work-wise before then, it will all somehow happen, it always does! 

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