Bletchley Park Museum

Today we took a trip to Bletchley Park, where the World War Two codebreakers lived and were stationed - including such people as Alan Turing.  Have a look at

It was a bit of an overwhelm.  There is so much information to take in from all the huts spread around the Mansion (see extra blip).  Luckily your ticket is good for a year, so you can go back as many times as you want.

It was fascinating.  Each hut served a different purpose breaking codes all around the world, focusing on navy, air and land codes.  75% of the people stationed there were women.

The main blip is one of the offices in the Mansion, very well arranged, with handbags by the side of desks.  The accommodation sounded pretty bleak too, and winters were bad.  For the night shift you got two biscuits and four blankets!.

The grounds are a delight with a lovely lake looking up to the Mansion, and we caught sight of this Heron in the reeds at the bank.  The tress are also magnificent and we had the feeling the the original owner who built the Mansion in the 1870s had an interest in that area

A great day out and definitely requires a return visit - it's less than an hour from home - and it is a significant part of our history.

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