Perfect 'Pepper' & a mini Blipmeet!

What a lovely day out we have had today. We went to Berwick-Upon-Tweed to meet up with HildaRoseChantler63 (& their other half's) & Pepper, the perfect pooch, for a mini Blipmeet. It was fab!

First the humans went for coffee. That was a bit boring for us doggies cos I wanted to go playing with Pepper straight away. But do you know what?......................... Pepper is only two years old and she is the most perfect pooch ever. She just lay in 'good dog mode' next to her owners. …..................Apparently I have to aspire to be like Pepper??!!  

But guess where we went once our owners had, had their coffee.......................... We went to the beach. Yay! We were both allowed off our leads to zoom around for ages. It was such fun. The only trouble was............................... Pepper can run faster than me. Can you believe that?!! I am the most super speedy little collie that Ann knows. But Pepper was very, very, very, super speedy. In fact I slowed down before Pepper did.

After our play on the beach we walked around the old town walls and then went for lunch at the 'Leaping Salmon'. By then we were very thirsty so the humans had to order 3 bowls of water for us. Fortunately I didn't have a wee straight afterwards!!

It's been a lovely day. Thank you 'Pepper' for a lovely day out.

PS – Will edit this once 'HildaRose has posted her Blip and will put a link in so you can all see todays shenanigans. Extra is the humans having lunch at the 'Leaping salmon'.

PPS – My human thought that she would nip into 'Morrisons' before our journey home, to go to the toilet. Nipping into Morrison's involved buying two bottles of wine. Obviously. Well you can't just go into a supermarket to use the toilet can you???? Anyway Ann put the wine on the floor and one of the bottles promptly broke and what was worse, Ann's handbag was on top of it, so then the whole of the handbag got soaked. …...............And Ann's mobile phone was in the handbag so now it's wine water logged and is not working???? …................And Ann has four meet & greets to do over the next couple of days and without a phone she cannot work. And if she cannot work, she will not get any money. And if she doesn't get any money I will not get any treats. In fact if she hasn't any money I might not even be fed??!! Phone is currently in a bag of rice. …............And Ann is currently drinking the remaining bottle of wine. Suggestions peeps for how Ann can get her phone working again??????????????

PPPS -edited now - a link to Hildarose's Blip has now been put in.


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