On Staple Island

Another magical day with a plethora of blips.

Despite the not-so-good weather we carried on with our plans for the boat trip to see the puffins - the weather 'turned out nice again'.  I was cross with myself for not having (a) the right lens (b) the 1.4x converter for the lens I did have and (c) having no idea of how difficult it would be to capture these little birds who fly at speeds beyond my panning capabilities.

But these birds are soooooo cute.  The shots I managed with bird in focus doing something interesting and actually in the frame are few in comparison to the number on the camera card.  An extra of a Guillimot. The boat trip was great - we loved it all (the sea was relatively calm) and we saw so many birds!!! I would go again tomorrow.

Returning to shore, we headed for a fish and chip lunch, continually hassled by starlings for anything we cared to offer. We didn't offer anything but at one point there were nine starlings lined up in front of me.

We did move on to look at Preston's Tower ( a Reiver's stronghold) and Warkworth Castle, but it has taken so long to look through the bird images I haven't even  touched the others. 

Tomorrow a blipmeet with Trixie the Collie!!  Very exciting,

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