A day in the life

By Shelling


The sides of the roads, fields and everywhere the wind can find rest, you find the ground covered in a rather thick layer of fluff. It's seeds from, mainly, aspen trees. Last years hot and dry summer has worked as a hormon boost for many trees and bushes that made them bloom a lot more than usual in the early spring. Now the seeds are ready to go and this is the result.

Aspen is an invasive species, one seed can lead to a forest. Some people are anxious the aspen will be hard to get rid of in a few years if it spreads to places you don't want them, in the garden for instance.

Suddenly I've had back pain, like lumbago. I was spending all day yesterday standing up on hard floors and I'm always sensitive to that. Normally it just leads to a bit of a stiff and tender back but this time it's much worse. I've tried careful yogapositions and it helps to lie flat on my back on the yoga mat too. I might have to see someone tomorrow if it doesn't get better, I have a lot of work to do in the weekend.

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