Worth the Wait

Grown from seed ex Gothenburg botanic gardens sown over two years ago,  it's been a long wait for the first flowers.   A plant originating from the caucasus where it inhabits dry steppe and hillsides, it seems to enjoy the thin, free draining soil in the front garden.   What's it called?   Well, that's a problem.  The seed came with the name Aethiopappus caucasicus .... a mouthful in itself.   However a search online for that name reveals very little apart from a link to Cheirolophus sempervirens, which is almost worse!   Then a search for that name reveals lots of images of a similar but much grosser plant.  Confused?  I certainly am. Whatever we call it, it's a bit special and I'm happy to have it.  Now hoping that it will set seed so I can pass it on as it's certainly not widely grown!

Extra pic shows the whole plant.

A long but mostly satisfactory conference call meeting this morning with the various agencies caring for Jamie.  Even including a representative from our local children's services.  When the discussion turned to what future care might look like the postcode lottery kicked in with a gulf evident between what Norfolk might do and what might happen if he was looked after by Hampshire who were also represented.  Even the normally unruffled consultant was moved to ask some searching questions .... not clear when there will be answers but fairly clear that they are likely to lead to further 'discussion'.   So glad we have such good support from all the team in Southampton.

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