
My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

It was lovely talking to the Princess again last night. As usual, our conversation headed south really quickly and let's just say I now know a great deal more about hoo-ha ointment than I ever thought I would*.

Today I went to the shops with a mission. The boys needed crinkly paper. They LOVE crinkly paper. If you put a piece down on the floor, they have to put their little bums on it in seconds.

Because I was buying crinkly paper, I also bought a big springy bow and some special wrapping tape. Neither of which were bought with the intention of wrapping any presents. As a cat-owner, I look at the world with kitty-eyes. "Oho," I thought, "those things will make ideal cat toys."

And you know, if I know nothing else, I know my boys. Literally as soon as I started scruffling around in the shopping bag they were THERE. Waiting for paper. Caro deployed the bow and soon Jasper was rolling on his back, waving his paws in the air.

He needs the exercise. He is a little spud. Mind you, aren't we all these days? I just wish someone would wave a big bow at me, while I rolled on crinkly paper.

In other news, we are watching "Taggart"**. I think it is fair to say we are feeling quite homesick.


* That it even exists, for starters.
** And would you believe it, there's been a murder.

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