Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Boring not boring

You can forgive the yawn. Exhibitions are tiring things if you take them seriously. This was Van Gogh and Britain at the Tate Britain which showed how the great man was influenced by Victorian artists and in turn inspired many British artists who followed him. Some of the connections were tenuous, others more clear cut, but whatever - as a curated exercise it worked really well. Kind of "six degrees of Van Gogh".

We had a lovely day. Good pace, nice enough weather and even a bit of sun here and there. Nice walk along the river from Vauxhall to Waterloo. Then supper and sitting in the garden as the light faded, listening to Steely Dan, Deacon Blue and The Fine Young Cannibals and watching the nesting swifts searching for food.

Pants Monster has been on best behaviour today. I think it may be due to not being so stressed and being a bit more careful with diet. But my daily stats show a roughly monthly serious flare up; I want to go a few months without that before I start to talk remission.

Starry night by way of an extra. But I think I’ll be in bed before the stars come out tonight; back to work tomorrow.


PS the surround to the blip is meant to be ironic; the one thing I didn’t like at the Van Gogh is the heavy ornate frames which I increasingly find detract from the subject. Yes I know that’s how they did things back then but ...

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