Getting on Santa Paws' 'Good Girl' List.

After an unsettled evening we had a good night and almost made it to the office on time this morning!

I had a bit of a "moment" & a few tears with Mum remembering a very sad anniversary approaching in a few days time. 20 years ago a very special person was cruelly taken away and every festive season since is filled with what ifs, wishes and regrets. She couldn't believe how much time has flown by, especially even though she can't remember her own postcode she can remember what I was wearing on my first date with this person! No one will be surprised that it was purple!

Anyway, mustn't dwell on sad things, and now I've had a good cry I feel I can cope a little better with the next couple of days.

Stella had another strop being left at my parents while we were all out and Dad got back to quite a kitchen kerfuffle but, we didn't think she'd want to be queueing at the post office with him or queueing for salad with Mum & I!

Now we're home and she's been fed, she's happily snoring on the sofa. No doubt dreaming of Santa Paws :)

I'm sure most of you are looking forward to tomorrow so Stella & I wish you all a happy Christmas.

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