These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Just Because....

I like how this picture turned out, but there isn't a cool story to tell or anything really special about it. I was driving home from Kelly's this afternoon and it was super sunny. I put on my sunglasses and that made me think about George's polarizing filter that he almost let me borrow. Then, I thought I would stop and take a picture through my sunglasses and see if there was any polarized effect. Well, those didn't turn out worth anything and then I started clicking through the rearview mirror. Strangely, I had a lot of fun trying to capture the traffic at various positions. It was a strange idea but when all was said and done, I liked how the picture looked. End of story!

Today ended up being very busy. The main agenda item was taking Tyler to ice skating lessons. When he heard about it this morning, he was not at all excited. He is totally a visual learner and a processor. I should probably take him to the ice rink about 10 times and let him watch before I actually put skates on him. Anyways, we headed into town early and caught storytime at the library. Went to the mall and played in the craziness there for a short short while. Lunch at Kelly's. Mia down for a nap. Tyler to ice skating.

I had hoped to blip Mr. T but there was no way he would get on the ice without me, so there were no pictures of the endeavor. After all was said and done, he said he liked it, but the entire 35 minutes on the ice, I would have sworn he hated it. He improved quite a bit from when he first got on the ice but he had zero motivation to improve. I'm guessing about four days from now, after he's slept a lot and processed, he'll be ready to try it again!

The kids had class at church tonight and we got to enjoy a yummy dinner with some friends who just returned home from a two week Mexico trip. It was wonderful to catch up with them and we are glad to have them home!

hmmm. Oh yes. Josh wanted to make sure this made it in here. Tonight, before bed, Josh asked Tyler to wrestle. They were wrestling a bit, but Tyler wasn't totally into it. Little Miss Mia marched into the living room and said in a totally deep voice, very deliberately and loudly, "HEY! You wrestle me now!" We couldn't believe it was little miss demanding such a thing!

I'm itching to get started on 24,but have some work to tend to on the computer. Goodnight for now!

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