
By NellieD

Intensive interview preparation

Rolling on from the last two interviews, I decided to really take my preparation seriously for Tuesday.  Since I'm going to be interviewed as PA to the 3 directors of a 5th generation craft bakery, I thought I should go and sample their wares.  After lunch in their cafe, I also bought a fruit flapjack, Eccles cakes and potato cakes - purely for research purposes you understand!!

Unfortunately the flapjack didn't make it home as I'd nibbled it away, bit by bit, as I drove.  It was delicious!  I will, very kindly, let the husband have the potato cake.

I'm usually a Chorley cake girl but I thought I'd be adventurous and try an Eccles cake instead.  Just out of interest, the first Eccles cake was sold in 1793!

I managed to speak to the supervisor so got an insight into their best selling lines so hopefully I can dazzle the interviewer with my product knowledge and they won't have chance to ask me about babies and an education decision I made 30 years ago!

Quote for today:
A party without cake is just a meeting.
- Julia Child

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