Abstract Robin

Friday 17th May 2019

Managed 90% of the ironing today. Whilst I was doing it this Robin was teasing me. He kept hopping around the feeder, I'd put down the iron, pick up the camera and he would fly away. We repeated that endless times. I ended up with a couple of shots but they were quite blurred. 

I didn't manage to get any more photos. I spent 3hrs down at the church shop, which closed this afternoon. We've taken just over £14,000 this week. I still don't know how we manage that amount of money. The sad thing is the amount of stuff we have left that we can't keep. The charity shops used to come and take most of the left overs but most of them are not interested now and the one that came today only took one item. It seems a shame to have to throw some of it away but we've run out of contacts. I'm sure someone somewhere could use some of this. 

Out at the Parish Council Chairman's Dinner tonight. It was a lovely meal. 

Back home and no other blip. I looked at the Robin photo but it wasn't good enough to post, being so blurred. There was only one thing to do, have a play with it. I came up with a couple of different concepts and chose this one. What do you think?

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